Since 2017, the IVAM Hightech Summit has been a central point in the year where companies from micro and …
IVAM Hightech Summit 2021 – Virtual Microtechnology Conference with Digital Exhibition
Since 2017, the IVAM Hightech Summit has been held as a central point in the year when companies from micro and nanotechnology…
Jens Ebnet, M.D., M.Sc., D.E.S.A., at the Compamed Forum of Innovation
Jens Ebnet, M.D., M.Sc., D.E.S.A., talks at the Compamed Forum of Innovation about the future of medical technology: What must medical technology be able to do? What should medical technology be able to do? That‘s what he regularly asks the emergency paramedics at the end of a shift in the ambulance. “It should function properly” is the most common answer. That probably sounds like
Chairman of Focus Group Medical Technology of IVAM
Jens Ebnet, M.D., M.Sc., D.E.S.A., chairman of Focus Group Medical Technology of IVAM Microtechnology Network Jens Ebnet: “I am very pleased to have the opportunity to expand my activities in this highly active network. More than 70 percent of the IVAM members are active in the medical technology market.”
Medical Manufacturing Asia 2018
Jens Ebnet, M.D., M.Sc., D.E.S.A., gave a presentation in Singapur about Ebnet Medical GmbH and the first development projects
Ebnet Medical GmbH member of the IVAM Microtechnology Network
Jens Ebnet, M.D., M.Sc., D.E.S.A.: “We are very pleased to be a member of this highly active and engaging network. The active participation at two events of this network clearly showed us, that added value is created for all stakeholders. We look forward expanding our activities within this network in the future.”
IVAM Focus Group Medical Technology
IVAM Focus Group Medical Technology – 11th Meeting of the Focus Group Medical Technology Fraunhofer IMM, Carl-Zeiss-Str. 18-20, 55129 Mainz, Germany Dr. med. Jens Ebnet gives a presentation: “SWORDCATH – Current Challenges a new Medical Device has to face” IVAM e.V.: » The 11th meeting of the IVAM Focus Group Medical Technology will be held on May 4, 2018, the day after the COMPAMED Spring
12th COMPAMED Spring Convention
12th COMPAMED Spring Convention – Implants in Medical Technology Airport Conference Center, Frankfurt a.M., DE Jens Ebnet MD, gives a presentation: SWORDCATH – The New Catheter Technology” IVAM e.V.: » At the annual COMPAMED Spring Convention, leading experts present current topics in the medical device industry and discuss them with the participants. During spring-time it already offers insight into challenges and solutions shown at